Efforts to Stop Critical Race Theory Curricula Continue in New States

Classroom lessons on race, diversity trainings, and debate over “systemic racism” is the latest flashpoint in the culture war. Parents and lawmakers are pushing back, and some are being punished for it.


In New Hampshire, a budget bill passed with restrictions on the use and promotion of Critical Race Theory.

reporting from the left side of the aisle


  • While not addressing Critical Race Theory for some time, Vox did at least partially blame race inequality on lack of broadband access, the ending of supplemental unemployment benefits, and vaccine hesitancy
  • The New York Times reported on comments former Vice President Mike Pence made during a speech in New Hampshire in which he criticized Critical Race Theory and the Black Lives Matter movement, characterizing it as part of “an energetic campaign” “to dictate how historical and modern racism in America is taught.” 
  • NPR’s reporting on Critical Race Theory controversies called it “a stand-in for larger anxiety” and quoted academic Andrew Hartman who said “I’m not really sure that the conservatives know what it is” and a sociology professor who decried conservatives’ invoking Martin Luther King Jr’s call for a colorblind society.




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