COVID-19 Vaccines Not Stopping All Infections, But Preventing Nearly All Deaths

Data from several countries show infection rates among vaccinated have risen slightly. Still more than 99% of deaths are among unvaccinated people.


The Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus is showing slight signs of resilience in Israel as vaccine effectiveness dropped to 64%, YET the vaccine still proved 93% effective in “preventing hospitalization and serious illness.”


reporting from the left side of the aisle


  • The New York Times reported on vaccine effectiveness among Americans with weaker immune systems, saying third and sometimes even fourth booster shots can be necessary but that “there is no concerted effort by federal agencies to test this approach.” 
  • The Washington Post also poses the question of booster shots, specifically for those who received the Johnson & Johnson shot (which has shown to protect against the Delta variant). 
  • CNN reported on a horrific scam in India, the epicenter of the latest wave of infections and deaths, in which vaccine drives were held that injected victims with salt water for a fee.



Author’s Take

Get vaccinated. Or don’t. It’s up to you and your doctor, who together should be able to make the most informed decision for you. Data shows overall effectiveness against infection generally and amazing protection against serious illness and symptoms leading to hospitalization.

Operation Warp Speed and the rapid deployment of the radical new technology, the mRNA vaccine, is nothing short of a modern marvel. Whether you get the shot or not, this medical and technological feat cannot be denied!

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© Dallas Gerber, 2021