Thousands of Haitians Apprehended in the U.S., Held Under a Texas Bridge

The number of people crossing the border illegally remains at a 20-year high. The media continues to cover for the Biden administration.


Arrests at the U.S.-Mexico border remain at 20-year highs despite Border Patrol and the media trying to spin the month-over-month numbers as dropping.


reporting from the left side of the aisle


  • CNN reported on Gov. Abbott’s order to shut down a half-dozen points of entry on the border. The report says unironically “the crisis at the southern border has been a key focus of the Biden administration” but has been dealt several blows in court.* 
  • NPR reported on Texas’ actions in lieu of any real assistance from the Biden administration, actions the outlet calls “controversial.”** 
  • Washington Post detailed the difficult journey Haitians have made to get to the United States. The Post also noted the Department of Homeland Security gave “temporary protected status” to Haitians in the U.S. illegally following the assassination of the Haitian president and the recent earthquake.



Author’s Take

*How can CNN credibly say the border crisis has been a priority for the Biden administration? It’s getting worse every month and are paralyzed by inaction, afraid of their left flank’s reaction to continuing even the smallest Trump-era policies.

**The phrasing NPR uses is how subtle media bias works. There’s no evidence, quote, or polling data that shows the Abbott administration’s policies are controversial at all. The writer of the piece says so with their own bias and it makes it into the article as accepted fact.

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© Dallas Gerber, 2021