Biden Admin Considers Nearly $1 Million Payments to Families Separated While Entering the US Illegally

The Biden administration is considering how to compensate families who were separated at the border in 2018. The right is outraged while one commentator on the left wonders what Republicans would say if it were Jews escaping Nazi Germany.


Illegal immigrant families could receive a near-seven-figure payout for their separation and detention while trying to enter the United States.


reporting from the left side of the aisle




Author’s Take

One can debate the merits of this considered policy and in clear-eyed debate, both sides could easily make valid points. Yet, like the decision to participate in a town hall event with CNN, one scratches their head and wonders who in the Biden administration thought this was the best time to publicize this let alone go forward with it.

Americans of every political stripe would be justified in their outrage over this. The Biden administration’s efforts here are de facto rewards for breaking the law and entering the United States illegally. It’s that simple and it’s wrong.

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© Dallas Gerber, 2021