Today marks 22 years since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Summary Today marks 22 years since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The attacks killed 2,997 people, including 343 firefighters, 72 law enforcement officers, 55 military personnel, and hundreds of Americans who woke up that morning planning to go to work or board an airplane. On that bright Tuesday morning 22 years ago, 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial jetliners. The hijackers crashed two planes into the …
Tag: 9/11
In 9/11, Joe Biden, Middle East, Race in America, USATags 9/11, joe biden, September 11, war on terror
Meredith Dolan
On the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, coverage ranges from first-person accounts of that day to its effects on American military strategy. Never Forget. Summary Remembrance ceremonies in New York City, the Pentagon, and Shanksville are …
In 9/11, USATags 9/11, donald trump, george w bush, new york city, pentagon, war on terror, washington dc, world trade center
Anthony Duffy
Remembering a national tragedy from both sides of the aisle Summary Nineteen years ago, Islamic terrorists launched an attack on the United States of America which left over 3,000 dead and left thousands more injured. The …